Preparation of Party

Assalamu Alaikuuum
Huuuuuaaaaa ...

can not wait for the day! yaaaaaaa ....
that day will be a day of the strangest, craziest, and won't be forgotten. believe me!
Yesssss, that's how we feel to welcome Friday night (last night). This is suddenly party. Suddenly preparation but we're serious. Yes, we are seriously to enable it. we're not halfway to do and hold it!

Honestly this is a stupid idea from me. But believe me, friend! I seriously say and propose it all. Although a bit strange and unreasonable. Heheee ^ o ^ v

want to know the show is it?!

No! No! No!
I mean, not now I tell you what happened last night! hahaaaa. But I'll share about our preparation. Ok

Let's check behind the scenes of our "mystery party". hehee

keep readin' ya..

wait for the next story of My Party ^o^v



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