The Best Kenny Fung

Assalamu Alaikuum..
Hey All.. I want to tell you something. its about someone and his family.

Check this out ^o^v

Kenny Fung, the first time I saw him I said to myself "Gosh! this man’s so cool!" young, cool, silly, funny! yes, if I am not mistaken Kenny is a test managers and Supervisors of Coops Unhas for the test team.
Kenny, Uuuummm .. I'm speechless to describe about him. Hahaaa. Its Because he has a lot of character. I mean that  for every condition he was always different. For example, when he work, he was so serious. But, sometimes when the office was quiet because everyone are busy with their work, he suddenly do things that make everyone laugh. Or sometimes he walking  around the office, entered the room one by one in the Gunung Batu office. Oo ya, he also makes the competition "the bug killer" with Kerry and Raymond. Gosh, Kenny! You are so memorable. Not only your kindness, but also your funny and your little bit stupid behavior (just kidding).

Yes, on the first day of work with him, me and my Coops friends feel very lucky and feel comfortable with Kenny. Apparently, what we thought was a reality in the days beyond. It didn’t take too long for familiar with Kenny. He was very friendly and humble. Everybody loved working with him.

Kenny has a wife. She is Kelly. She was beautiful, can speak in Indonesian well and good at swimming. Kelly is also very humble and friendly. Kenny and Kelly have a daughter named Alexis. Huuuuaaaa ... She's a very cute little girl. If I look at her cheeks I always remember Sinchan’s sister. Hihiii .. Her face is very oriental! Kenny and Kelly are also very oriental..

Back to the story of Coops and Kenny ...

The first month of me and friends (Coops  for the testing team) is a pretty busy month. We really stand by with our respective jobs. The first day we arrived at the Gunung Batu office, me and my five friends in for to each module and entrusted to each mentor of each module. As long as with our respective mentors, Kenny still monitoring us. Yes, that's why we really love Kenny! He never let us walk on our own and doing our own work. He always help us. Since the first time we are in this project, Kenny never stopped to introduce us (Coops) to everyone in the project. When he walked with us in the office he always says "They are Coops". Huuuaaaa, Kenny ... you really appreciate us,  cares for us and knew how tired we are with the project work. Kenny also always invite us to refreshing together with testing team. Playing billiards and drinking soft drinks at the wet monkey, karaoke and lunch at the Grand Mulia Hotel, sports together, rafting together and many more exciting activities with Kenny ..

Thanks God, you gave us the opportunity to work together with Kenny. A supervisor who really cares for us, respect us and think we're like his brothers and like his sisters and very professional in working ..
Kenny, thanks for all of your kindness to us (Coops), thank you for teaching us many things, gives us a very constructive advice, and thanks for your concern for us. Without you, we don’t get so much experience ^o^v
Oh God, the departure of Kenny and his family made me very sad. So do my friends and the other Coops. We like losing a brother, hero, teacher and friend. Yes, that's how we think of Kenny ^o^v
Oo Well, Kenny thanks for made porridge for me and Madi for breakfast on your last day in the Gunung Batu office. Although my tongue feels a little weird with a sense of porridge, but I am very proud and pleased to have porridge that made by Kenny! Porridge from New Zealand (as you say). Heheee

I’ll be missing you and your family, Kenny! Warm regards for Kelly and your cute little daughter..

I think that’s all about my best of the best supervisor over the world !!! yeeaaahh q>O<p



  1. Alexis, Kelly and I blushed red upon reading your story. Surely there will be better supervisors in your bright future!

    Thanks for adding some happiness to our lives, that's the greatest gift of all, that, and learning to love yourself... :-)

    Friends are only a memory away!

    Alexis, Kelly and Me


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