Our beloved Dewanti
Assalamu Alaikum,
huhuuuu ...
Today she's gone. It's not flyback but rolloff. Yes, she's no more with us. We won't pass August together and won't undergo fast together in Sumba 4. Huuuuaaaaa, God! How sad we are... We will always miss you, dewa ^o^v
Thanks God it's friday, but I'm sad, Lord. Dewa, our friend must first complete the Coops. we should go home together because we came to this place together. The place where we learn to adapt to face our future. Four months two weeks we had been through together. We had been through the ups and downs.
Dewanti, an innocent friend but too naive. Innocently so she always bullied by our home-mate. hahaaa. I sometimes get annoyed with her. She's too speak frankly. Moreover, if we watch with her, she always comment in every session of the movie so we can't focus with the movie. But certainly, She's very good. Yes, she did very well.'
Dewa, forgive me if all often makes you sad or hurt. Honestlu, I'm just kidding. If you felt it serious, let's say it's "kidding" Ok. Hahaaaa ..
Glad to know you, Dewa. I'll see you on campus. Hopefully we have time and opportunity to sing along and watch Sheila On 7's concert together. Amien
Bye, Dewa ..
see you later
I think that's all
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