New Hobby

Assalamu Alaikuum, ma dearest bloggers..

Alhamdulillah, we’ve arrived until the second day of 2012. Woouuww,, to appreciate ma holiday (honestly, I made it as holiday. Hahaa) I’m gonna share about my NEW HOBBY !!! Hahaaaa :D

Since one of social network developer realese their new performance, I really really busy to make many cover-photos. Yaaa... Yaaa.. Yaaa.. it’s really COOL !!! Yuuppzz, cool when you opened your profile then you see your cute picture and digital imaging that you’ve made on the top of your wall. Yihhaaa q>O<p

When I’m nothing to do, I open ma image editing apps and trying to fall in the deepest of ma imagination. Wooouuuuwww, that’s amazing and I’m soooooooooo excited. You’ll see ma serous-face with some snacks and softdrink beside me while listening RnB music. God, thanks for those happinese that You give to me everytime I do it. And I really really thanks for the funtastic imagination and of course really thanks for the chance. So, Alhamdulillah

Well, let see some of ma cover-photos !!!

Taddaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd \-O-/

I think that's all



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