Henna Hijab

Assalamu Alaikuum

I’d like to post ma pictures with ma Henna-Hijab. Cihhuuuyyy...
Yeaaahh,, some people call it henna-hijab ‘cuz its motif looks like henna-handpainting art in India. Yupz this's the fact !!! In India, on their wedding's day every girl (after married become a woman) will be painted her hands by her friends before going up to the altar. Huuaaaa, that's so cool-art, isn't it ???
But now, I'm not painting ma hijab. Just the print of ma hijab looks like the handpainting-art motif as I mentioned before.

*note : for more information about Hindi's culture, please Google-ing, Ok.. Hahaaa ^o^v

Let’s check this out, gals !!!

I think that's all..



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