Mining Tour of Coops XVI

Assalamu Alaikuum

Alhamdulillah... Finally, since the first time we arrived in Soroako what we want just mining tour and we got it !!! Not just testing team or convertion team or networking team BUT all of Coops XVI. Huuuaaaaa.. How happy are we.. Uuupppzz, there also 2 members of Coops XVII join with us. ckckckckk  they are very lucky have a chance to go mining tour at their first time arrive in Sorowako. Huuummm, but never mind.. Coops XVI could enjoy the tour although with who we are. Hehee ^o^v

Look at us !!! So engineer with our helmet and safety spectacles, right?! yeah yeah yeah q>O<p
Here I'm between Jenny and Susan. Heheee..  We are the next success engineer [ a m i e n ] ^o^v

See the picture below, all Coops seriously looking at the tour guide that's giving us short training before mining tour.

Jeng jeng jeng jeeeeeeeeeng !!! We tour the mining area by "Bus Berkualitas". Hahaaaa. Ya, we called "Bus Berkualitas" a.k.a Quality Bus 'cause see the tag line beside the bus "Quality Human Produce High Quality Nickel". Uuuummm, agree with that. Hahaaa

Here we are on the bus !!! So excited !!! Hahaaa

This is my last tour with Coops XVI in Sorowako. Hopefully we have a chance to have time together ^o^v



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