Me, My Costume and Concert
Assalamu Alaikuum..
Hi, ma dearest readers and ma dearest blogger-friends.. Long time no post, hha?! Heheee.. Pardon me, guys..
Next, Let's to the point. Several days ago, exactly on last Saturday Night I met S07 ( Sheila On 7 ) in their Live Concert !!! Huuuaaaaaa... Subhanallah Walhamdulillah.. ^o^v
But that's not the point !!! Hahaaa :P
The point is --> I wanna share, What I wore to the concert !!! Yihhaaaa.. q>O<p
Can't wait, hha?!
Let's Check it out, gals q>O<p
Huwwoooooo... Lil' bit girly and lil' bit sporty, Am I ?! Hahaaaa..
Youuupppzz... I think that it's ma best costume to wear to the SO7's concert. Hope "Duta" look at me then catch me to sing with him on the stage... Huakakkakakakakk *dreaming
"Dreaming is the only land fit for you (duta-SO7) and me (cha)" <-- Perfect Time - SO7
I think that's all, gals...
Keep reading. ok.. 'Cuz the next post I'll tell you 'bout one of ma best Saturday Night.. Hahaaaa, of course STILL about SHEILA ON 7... Hihiiii *giggle
hi cha, ini upi coops 13.gabung jadi member yuk di
fan page: hijaber moslem soroako and luwu timur
so, kita bisa tukaran link juga dong kan..biar makin seru...okey dear....ditunggu yah confirmasi pertemanannya :):)
Thanks for d invitation kak ^o^v
BalasHapusI'd like to join.. hhehee