Sweet Purple
Assalamu Alaikuum
Hahaaa, Ok.. that’s me and my cousin. We go to somewhere. Somewhere all hijabers gather each other. There, we talk about everything around us, everything we need to as a Moeslem and we talk about fashion too.
As a Moeslem we need to complete Hablumminallah and Hablumminannas. When we take a prayer that one of our way communicate with the lord of the worls, king of the king, Allah SWT and the process we called Habluminallah. And when we gather with all moeslem so that we complete our Hablumminannaas. And I did it!!! Actualy not just in that place but also everytime and everywhere I was.
I won’t talk too much or speech too long on ma blog, but I’ll share little bit happiness with my sweet purple dress that I did on my weekend several days ago. Uuppss, I’ll share pictures of me with my simple-soft-pink makeup too !!! hehee ^o^v
Curious? Curious? Curious?
Let’s check on it !!!
So sweet, right ?! Huakakakakakakkakk ^o^v
keep visit this blog, guys..
I Think that's all.
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