The Lakkang Village
Assalamu Alaikum,,
hallo my dear bloggers :)
hopefully you guys in a nice condition. Amien
Uumm, Alhamdulillah for still be blogging again ^o^
Okkay dear, now I will share my story when I went to the Teaching Farm of UNHAS. But I will tell you not about the Teaching Farm but about a village located across the river in the vicinity of Teaching Farm. Yes, that place is the village of achievers from the city of Makassar in collaboration with the cellular provider that is XL. I do not know too much about the village, but certainly it is not ordinary village. Hahaa \-O-/
before I tell you more about my trip, I'll show off some of my photos !!! hahaa ^o^v
yes, the photo above is a small part of my trip. More details, I will tell you with some additional photos. *Narcissistic! hahaa ^o^
See !!! the name of the village's what I mean. Lakkang !!! A village located in the city of Makassar. To go to the village, we have to cross a river. Yes, Tello river. This watershed will be seen in the vicinity of the M'Toz Mall, Perintis Kemerdekaan street, Makassar.
"Katinting" boat (called the local people). Yes, here's a boat that me and my friends riding to cross the Tello river to the Lakkang Village. This boat is also used citizens as their transportation. Not only human transport, this boat is also used to take across their motorcycle or bicycle. I don't really know the capacity of this boat, but when me and my friends riding this boat, there are 13 passengers and one motorcycle. but its capacity may still be more than that. Hehee. *Sotoy !!!
this is me and my friends. Upz, my senior !!! hahaa ^o^v
Left to Right (kak dini, kak hera, kak aan, kak sari, aril, cha, kak wando, "dunno" , and the last one is kak ari)
we enjoy the beauty of the river and the brightness of the sky and breathe the air that very, very cool !!! huuumm.. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, You have given us the opportunity to enjoy the other side of Makassar city, which had begun crowded and polluted. hehee ^o^v
The most common sights along the Tello river. brown river, the blue sky and the green palm plants. Wauuw !!!
about 15 minutes journey, we finally arrive at the destination. Arriving at the village Lakkang, we are greeted with a sign saying
Lakkang Village presents the beauty of rice fields, ponds, and lots of bamboo trees.
One that makes me salute and proud is a village which is still located in the city of Makassar in addition tohaving natural beauty also has a historic site! as I said, this is not an ordinary village! see?! hehee ^o^v
after taking some photos and surrounding the villages that's not too big, it's time we came home to sharestories and interesting experiences . hehee ^o^
someday I will return to this place to take pictures and ride the boat again. Amien. hahaa ^o^v
I think that's all, dear..
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