St*pid Me

Assalamu Alaikuum...

Hi dear.. Hi blogger...

Long time no post, huh! I just wanna put a thing on ma blog. A thing that should be shared to, but better to be kept. (to be kept on this blog!).. Hhaaa hhaa..

   I suddenly remembered about that day. When someone was playing the guitar and I was singing. At that time we were singing Blablabla's song (secret). Hahahahaa .. Sounds pretty ridiculous. The song was not a song about us, not our favorite song and not our favorite Group Band. ~Floated away~ .. You stopped with your guitar and I stopped with my singing. Same with our story. Stop! And never heard again. But all I've recorded, in my mind and in my heart. You never realize how often I put myself in intentional situation but it looks as accidental. Childish. But here I am! Actually I'm expressing something but looks like not expressing anything. xixixixi (st*pid me)...

A simple old story suddenly crossed on ma mind...

And Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddd....

an illustration already created !!!

Don't GR. because it might not be you who I mean!
Hahahhahahaa :P

Okkaaayyy... I think that's all...



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