Bugis Waterpark

Assalamu Alaikuum

Huuaaaaaaaa,,,, Long time no post! Huuuaaaa ... Huuummppphh, feels like I missed one of ma "to do" list that's keeeep pooooooost. Cuupppp, cuupp,, don't worry cHa 'cuz now u're doing it..
Yihhaaaaaa ┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌

Wait, I have some questions but they don't need to be answered.
  1. Have u ever felt stuck of a thing ?
  2. Have u ever got many question spinning on your mind and never had even an answer of them?
  3. Have u ever felt "miss" and never "be missed" ? #ups
  4. Have u ever thought like I did ?

Stressed !!! Aaaaarrrrgghhhhh.... q(>"<)p

That's why I need a time to refresh ma mind, loud as loudest as I could until everything prop ma chest out. #suffer (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ)​

BUT, don't call me CHA if I can't handle them. Even not at all, at least some of them can be resolved as well.

Tarraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd !!!


" Bugis Waterpark "

Same with the name. Here, lil' bit Buginese. Every instruction boards in Bugis. But don't worry if you don't understand its mean 'cuz there's also in English. Hahaaaa #fair (^o^)v

Yeaahh, on the promotion date of this place I'd spend ma free-time to let ma self enjoy the day. Lucky me, at that time I got 50% discount of ticket prices..
Huuuummmm,, I LOVE DISCOUNT !!! (ʃƪ˘˘ﻬ)~♥

Don't wanna waste ma time, suddenly I change ma clothes theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn, it's SHOW timeeeeee... Wkwkwkwkkk.. There're soooooooo many glides there. Sooo,,, it's time to slide !!! (ง'̀⌣'́)ง

Here three-must-ketir slides !!! hahahaaa... You must try the red one (Mattulili : Body Slide) for "stretching", yeah my opinion, it's the #1 glide you have to slide. Then #2 trying the Black hole !!! it's called "Mapettang" in buginese it means dark. Then the last one slide of those picture, #3 the purple one is called Malippuno slide it means headache. Huuummpppp, U can skip that last one slide. Not so good basically if your swim suite based from rubber you won't slide as well. #trustMe I've tried and I disappointed (˘_˘٥)

Then, the #4 glide. Tappassorong glide or Multi slide. You can slide with mattress or without. Better if try both! Hihiii

Then, glide #5. Pipa Wae, it means Aqua tube. Slide with the water. Long very very loooooong pipe and sooooo dark in it. In my opinion those glide should named black hole, not the #2 glide (¬_¬")

Turn to my most of the most of my favorite glide. The #6 glide that made me "fly" in a while. Felt like my soul and my body separated as well. Felt like I was in other dimension. Hahahahaaaaaa... Huuuaaaaaaaa... I'm Lovin' it as much !!! #trustMeILoveIt It's called Mattanre glide. it means high. Yeaahhhh, it's really really high and abrupt... #Eeeerrrrrrrr #HeadShake *(•ˆ⌣ˆ​​​​•)/*

Next, move to the next BWP-thing -hahahahaa- Kollang piji' it means whirl pool. It's better for adult and middle-aged man.. Hahahaaa (^o^)v

Do you like the dark complexion skin? and do you want have it? Or do you like sunbathing? ahhaaaaa, hereeeeeee the best pool for you! The Wae Massolo..... yeaahhh, lets your body flow like a wae massolo at 1-3 pm. hhahahahahaa ┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌

Yeyeyeyeeeeaaahh, it's the Kiddo world !!! (ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)

Huuuuaaaaa,,, what a nice, cool, funtastic and amazing place, huh! hahahahaa *(•ˆ⌣ˆ​​​​•)/*

You must try.... Huummmppphh, U can enjoy for a while. Feels like you're the one that never had a bad day before. Hahaahahaa #lebay (^o^)v

Okkaaayy ma dear ukhtiy waa dear akhiiyy, ma dear bro and dear sister and dear YOU #ups
I think it's time for me to stop my cuap-cuap on ma blog 'cuz it's 3.20 PM !!! Wooouuuwwww
#Amazing #InsomniaAgain \(´O`)/

Unzuur maa Qalaa wa Laa tanzur man Qaala..

Take the best things then throw the bad ones..

Me, Triska.....
from the best place I've ever had (ma messy bedroom)
while in a "miss a thing" feeling (˘̩̩̩~˘̩̩̩ƪ)​
CIAO !!!



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